If you’re constantly suffering from debilitating back, shoulder, neck, knee, or heel pain, then you probably already feel like you’ve tried every pain reliever under the sun.
From temporary OTC drugs and extra-strength prescription pain relievers, to therapeutic massages and special stretches, you’ve tried it all—and nothing seems to work.
But have you tried treating the pain with aluminum foil yet? Probably not.
This strange method was used long ago by Chinese and Russian healers, according to Natural Health Care For You.
People who have tried this natural healing treatment swear it works like a miracle, without the use of heavy-duty drugs that have dangerous side effects.
What To Do
All you have to do is take a piece of aluminum foil and wrap it around the affected area, where you feel the pain coming from. Leave the foil on for as long as you can, all day if possible. Continue this process for about 10 to 12 days before giving your body a two-week break. If you still feel constant pain after a couple of weeks, repeat the foil treatment.
How Does It Work?
While aluminum foil possesses natural anti-inflammatory properties, ancient Chinese healers believed that this trick could actually reflect the pain energy away from where you usually feel it. According to their beliefs, pain exists only as an impulse that our brain recognizes as information. The traditional Chinese medicine describes “meridians” as energy-regulating points on each organ. Aluminum foil is thought to naturally bring balance back to the “improper flow of energy,” which we perceive as pain, so the discomfort is eliminated. This ancient type of treatment was most notably used by Chinese and Russian healers, as well as described in studies by famous psychotherapist Wilhelm Reich, a student of Sigmund Freud.
Have you ever tried this before? Let us know in the comments!
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