Everyone has this preconception that being pregnant and growing a baby is a glamorous event in which the soon to be mother glows and is surrounded by a pregnancy induced euphoria.
Sure, the media portrays pregnancy as a time in a woman’s life where she gets to indulge in crazy food cravings, sleep all of the time and be pampered, but many people do not take into account exactly how much work goes into growing a healthy baby on a biological and cellular level really is.
From the very first moment of conception, you know when the sperm meets the egg, the human body undergoes a multitude of transformations that takes nine months to complete.
During this time, the fertilized egg also undergoes many growth cycles, transformations, and cellular changes until the final metamorphosis stage has been reached, and a healthy baby is born.
If you have ever wondered what it is like for a baby to grow from fertilized egg, you’re in luck.
This detailed infographic offers you a bird’s eye view of the entire process. Once you’ve had the opportunity to view every single step of the growth process, you’ll gain a whole new appreciation for pregnant women and what their bodies must go through to nurture new life before bringing it into this world.
You also get to see how amazing the human body truly is.

Credit: Eleanor Lutz via Women's Day