If you’re prone to migraines, you know the feeling. Suddenly, you just can’t do anything but feel the pain shooting through your entire head.
Some migraine sufferers know what sets it off, but often it’s just hard to keep track of all of the triggers.
A lot of people have food-triggered migraines, though it’s hard to pin down since everyone is so different. But here are a few common ones that you can avoid.
- Caffeine. If you already know you’re prone to migraines, your morning coffee and soda may be things you should consider nixing. Too much caffeine means that all that caffeine can attack the parts of the brain associatd with migraines. But if you’re already suffering one, it can be a pain reliever. A very small amount may actually help you if you’re not already overusing it.
- MSG. This ingredient that can be found in processed and Chinese foods is found more naturally in cheeses and tomatoes, and it’s a huge migraine trigger. One study found that 2.5% of headaches in its participants could be linked to MSG.
- Citrus. Citrus fruits are a largely suspected migraine trigger, though it’s still a rather controversial one. This one is pretty subjective. If you eat citrus and feel a migraine come on in the next four to twelve hours, it may just be your culprit.
- Aged cheeses. Gourmet cheeses, like good cheddar, gorgonzola, and camembert, may be delicious, but they may also be triggers for your migraine. Researchers think it may be the tyramines in the cheeses interacting with your neurotransmitters that does this.
- Alcohol. Red wine, specifically, is believed to be the perpetrator here. One study in Brazil found that alcohol intake could be linked to migraines around 30% of the time. Scientists believe that it may be the tannins that are doing this, or perhaps the dehydrating effect of alcohol.