Harmonie-Rose Allen got meningitis when she was just ten months old.
She’s spent almost her entire short lie battling the illness. She had just taken her first steps when she was afflicted with it.
Her parents, Freya Hall and Ross Allen, were told that she had a 10 percent chance to live through it. Harmonie-Rose’s case, they said, was one of the worst they’d ever seen.
But Harmonie didn’t want to listen to the doctors. She survived—at the cost of her arms, legs, and the tip of her nose.
Now she’s two years old, and all doctors have been doing is trying to get this young girl to walk.
Last month, she tried a walking frame that’s high-tech and brand new.
And now, she has an even cuter strategy—a set of prosthetic legs, which she’s testing out with adorable purple buckled shoes.
Harmonie has been taking some steps with her mom’s assistance. She wore her legs for four hours on the first day, and plans to work her way up to more.
“I was really worried she wouldn’t like them but she does,” says Freya. Harmonie especially loves that she can wear socks and shoes.
Harmonie has given her parents some scares since recovering form meningitis. But with these legs, she’s going strong, and the local community has helped.
After all, they’re the ones who have contributed to this family in their time of need. The community helped pay for Harmonie’s walking frame, as well as her brand-new legs.
Harmonie has fought this long, so hopefully with support, she’ll live a long and full life!