13 Vaseline Uses That You Don

13 Vaseline Uses That You Don't Know About

Vaseline has been around for 150 years, but there are still plenty of uses for it that you probably never even knew about. Keep reading to learn more!

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For the last 150 years, petroleum jelly has proven that its classic formula can stand the test of time, even when there are so many other products to choose from.

Vaseline may not come in the prettiest bottle, but it has the power to moisturize even the driest skin anywhere on your body—plus it’s incredibly affordable.

Whether you already have a jar collecting dust in your medicine cabinet or you’ve been debating your next big beauty purchase, there are plenty of reasons to keep Vaseline in your home at all times.

Here are 13 amazing uses for Vaseline that you probably never knew:

  1. Cracked Heels: Nobody wants to deal with dry, cracked heels right before sandal season begins next month. But before you run out and drop $40 on a pedicure, try dabbing a bit of Vaseline on your dry heels before bed.
  2. Stuck Nail Polish: A DIY manicure is a surefire way to save a few bucks, but the idea is useless if you can’t get your nail polish to open. Just a tiny bit of Vaseline on the bottle’s thread is just what you need to solve this problem.
  3. Smudged Lipstick: Love a classic red lip, but hate when it gets on your teeth? Any professional makeup artist would recommend smearing some Vaseline on your teeth before applying your lipstick to avoid a bright red smudge on your pearly whites.
  4. Spray Tan Streaks: It’s nearly impossible to apply self-tanner without your hands and feet becoming a dead giveaway. Next time, apply some Vaseline on your body’s rough spots—hands, elbows, feet, etc.—to prevent streaks.
  5. Thin Lashes: Forget buying pricey eyelash serums! To naturally enlarge your lashes, put a dab of Vaseline on them before bed. In the morning, your lashes should look like they’ve expanded.
  6. Dull Perfume: There’s nothing worse than spraying perfume in the morning, only to find that the fresh scent is totally gone two hours later. To make sure your perfume sticks all day, apply Vaseline to the spots on your body that your wear perfume before spraying.
  7. Split Ends: If you don’t have time for a haircut or a deep condition, you can temporarily reduce the appearance of split ends by smoothing just a little bit of Vaseline on the ends of your hair.
  8. Hair Dye Stains: Before dyeing your hair at home, contour your forehead and each side of your face with Vaseline to prevent the color from staining your skin.
  9. Razor Burn: If you’re prone to razor burn, soothe your skin immediately after shaving with Vaseline to avoid those annoying red bumps and uncomfortable irritation.
  10. Moisturizer: For those with especially dry skin, Vaseline is much thicker than most moisturizers. Try massaging a small amount into your face and chapped lips, but use it sparingly! Too much Vaseline can clog your pores.
  11. Exfoliate: Instead of buying expensive body scrubs, try combining Vaseline with sea salt to make your own exfoliator at home.
  12. Removing False Eyelashes: A smidge of Vaseline can help remove the sticky residue left behind by false eyelashes.
  13. Cream Eyeshadow: A cream eyeshadow is always the way to go if you want to intensify your look, but you don’t have to buy a whole new palette. Simply mix the eyeshadow with Vaseline to create your own cream eyeshadow at home.

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