By her own assessment, Sherry Soliman hadn’t been blessed in the eyebrow department when she was born. They were “stubbornly skinny” as well as patchy.
Once she was old enough to begin watching beauty videos on the internet, Soliman aimed to transform her brows by tweezing wayward hairs. But her zeal got away from her; she ended up with almost no brows for a while.
Soliman finally got herself to stop plucking her brows, only reaching for the tweezers when hairs grew in completely outside her natural brow line. She tried out various beauty serums and products to thicken her thin brows, but those didn’t work either.
That was when she stumbled across a beauty blogger vouching for the power and efficacy of castor oil on thickening hair. Soliman did more research and many others were in agreement.
Castor oil was touted as the “go-to” natural product to lengthen, regrow, and thicken hair anywhere on the body.
Soliman was convinced. She spent $20 on a bottle of pure, cold-pressed castor oil and applied it religiously for a month before she noticed it making a difference.
But it wasn’t what she was expecting.
Instead of growing in more densely, Soliman’s eyebrows began to fall out. The skin near her brows had become rough and dry, causing more than 100 hairs to fall out each day.

It’s been three years since Soliman attempted to use castor oil to thicken her brows, but that area of her skin has yet to make a full recovery. Because contact only makes the hair loss worse, Soliman can’t even fill in her brows or tattoo them in – these attempts would only cause more hair to fall out.
Soliman has sought help from four different dermatologists and is finally on her way to having her brows return to normal, but now warns others from trying DIY beauty advice they find online. Just because some of these beauty tricks use all-natural products, they can still irritate the skin.