When dentist Dr. Guy Deyton heard that teens all over the country were making DIY braces and encouraging others to do the same in their own homes, he simply couldn’t believe it.

On YouTube, teens are using everything from plastic hair bands to paper clips and super glue to make DIY braces to fix their teeth at home. The video makers promise that these home treatment methods will give people results in a matter of weeks – not months or years, like proper braces take – and are simple and inexpensive.
One of these videos has even been viewed more than one million times.
"She is using hair bands! She doesn't understand if she is doing in inappropriately she could lose her two front teeth," Dr. Deyton said.
"In one video I saw, she used a paper clip and super glue," he continued. "I am so horrified and fearful that they are going to do harm to themselves.”
According to Dr. Deyton, DIY braces and cause horrifying infections, disfigurations, or even permanent tooth loss.
As a dentist, he just wishes he could put out a PSA for all these teens making DIY braces or hoping to find a cheap alternative to going to the orthodontist.
“If you don’t know how to move your teeth, you could lose your teeth,” Dr. Deyton said sadly.
If you have any intentions of skimping on proper tooth care, don’t. Make the appointment and see your dentist to best maintain your health.
You can watch the full interview of Dr. Deyton here: