Ever since 44-year-old beauty blogger AJ Weir gave birth to her son 11 years ago, she’s been jealous of his adorable, dimpled smile. “For a long time, I wanted dimples,” she explained. “If somebody has dimples, I will try to stick my finger in their face. It's really weird, but I just love them. I see them as a sign of being cute.”
Weir has already undergone other cosmetic surgeries, so she understood the risk that came with each procedure, particularly for dimpleplasty.
Because of the nature of the procedure – doctors cut a small hole out of each of the patient’s cheeks and stitch them back together again from the outside, creating a tiny dimple – there was a high likelihood that Weir would develop scarring.
But Weir was aware of this potential consequence – as well as the possibility that the procedure would only last a few weeks. “For a lot of people this seems like a really stupid cosmetic procedure and it seems insane to start messing about with your own face. Some people say you should just be happy with what you've got and I get that but this was something I wanted to do,” Weir defended herself.
“I could afford to do it and I wasn't going to put my family in any sort of financial crisis by doing it, so why not?”
Finally, earlier this year, Weir put down over $1,600 to have the procedure done. Both her son and her husband thought she was completely “bonkers” for doing so.
Weir chose to ignore them, and her patience ultimately paid off.

Just two weeks later, her scars were beginning to heal into her desired dimples and some people were definitely noticing that she’d gotten a new facial feature. Weir is incredibly pleased that her procedure went so well. “My dimples look really natural. You wouldn't think that I've had surgery.”