He Holds A Pillow Over Her Face And Does The Unthinkable. When She Begs Him To Stop, He Says,

He Holds A Pillow Over Her Face And Does The Unthinkable. When She Begs Him To Stop, He Says, 'I’ll Do What I Want.'

This man assaulted eight women by making stuffing their heads into a pillow before being described as a "danger to all women" by a court judge. Read on for the full story!

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Ryan Schofield, 26-year-old, allegedly terrorized and sexually assaulted at least eight female victims until he was finally caught and arrested, as reported by Metro.

According to Metro, Schofield would just suddenly experience bouts of “insane jealousy” that would cause him to assault women that he met online.

Schofield was heard at the Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester, England. One of the victims shared an account where Schofield threatened her with a crowbar, stripped of her clothing and another incident where he punched her in her stomach until she lost her consciousness.

According to Joe Boyd, the prosecutor, “There became a point where he put a pillow over her face and she felt something was inserted inside her.

He continued, “She was trying to push his hand away and he said ‘shh I’ll do what I want.’ She didn’t consent to the foreign body.”

Boyd gave more testimonials of women to further emphasize the danger that Schofield imposes to the safety of women and of people in general.

Boyd told the court, “He dragged her into the bedroom and pushed her into a chest of drawers. She couldn’t move and an ambulance was called.”

Boyd continued, “They asked what happened and she said she had fallen and banged her head on a table. They put her on a spinal board and took her to hospital. She discharged herself and the defendant said he couldn’t remember what had happened.”

Schofield was sentenced to five years and four months of imprisonment.

Judge John Potter stated, “When you are in a relationship with women you exhibit violent and controlling behavior over them. It’s obvious that that your previous convictions significantly aggravate the offending I must sentence you for now and that is because they are very similar.

Judge Potter continued, "Some of these latest offences illustrate once more that whilst in a violent and controlling relationship, you not only physically but sexually abused your victim. She makes it clear that she has suffered significantly as a consequence of this violent and sexually abusive behavior towards her."

"The other lady indicates she suffered significant physical harm and thereafter some level of psychological harm. I view you as presenting a danger to others with whom you share a relationship."

Boyd shared a testimony of one of Schofield's victims, who's a mom. The two met last Christmas in 2015.

Boyd said, "They had been texting and ringing each other and when she got there the defendant said they needed to talk and accused her of seeing someone else. He jumped off the bed, dragged her by her coat and threw her to the wall. He accused her of joining a dating site and threw her on the bed. He then threw her to the floor and stamped on the middle of her back.

"They made up the following morning but later the defendant came to her house and started to go on about ex-partners, he then threw her into kitchen units, hitting her on the ribs. As a result she attended Crumpsall hospital and had four cracked ribs and bruising to her arm."

The victimized mom released a statement saying:

"I’m not in a good place at the moment. I was feeling very low last week and completely broke down, I’ve not been put on antidepressants. I feel I am turning into a recluse. As long as I’m at home with my son, I feel safe. I’m constantly looking over my shoulder. My son was jumping out at me and shouting ‘boo’ and this frightened me to death."

Andrew Long, Schofield’s attorney, said that his client expresses shame and repentance for the actions that he did to the victims.

Long said, “There is a degree of remorse in this case. He acknowledges his failings, his responsibility, the fact he’s a repeat offender, the fact that he can’t stop himself and the fact that he might do it again if he doesn’t get the help he needs."

Schofield’s case could be a cautionary tale for those who delve into dating online. Extra measures for safety and security should be conducted first. If you know someone who's stuck in an abusive relationship, do not hesitate to approach them and offer help. Sometimes, the exterior qualities of a relationship doesn't necessarily mean that it's in a good condition.

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