Australian mother Kirsten Bosly has never felt comfortable in her body. In her own words, she’s “used it and abused it…blamed it for a lot of things…been terribly ashamed of its wobbles and dimples; like somehow they are a measure of who [she is].”
For most of her adult life, Bosly confesses that she’s struggled with depression and anxiety, unable to accept her body and herself for who she was.
For years, when Bosly went out to play with her kids – particularly on the many beaches in Australia – she tried her best to cover up with a towel, dress, or shirt because she was ashamed of how she looked. She feared judgment from the people around her and tried to avoid showing too much of herself to avoid drawing their gazes.
Then, one day, Bosly saw a meme online that made her realize; she had it all wrong.
The meme encouraged parents to quit being self-conscious and to get out and pose in photos with their kids. One day, those photos would be the only way the kids would be able to see their parents again.
This struck Bosly, hard.
“I’ve avoided pictures most of the time as I disliked how I looked in them. Not any more!” she admitted. “The truth is, I’m tired of being ashamed of my body; it’s done nothing but support me for 41 years.”
The next time Bosly went to the beach with her two kids – eight-year-old Beckett and five-year-old Bronte – she reminded herself to quit being so self-conscious, take off her cover up, and simply have fun.
Looking back on the photos now, Bosly can recognize immediately how happy both she and her children were.
Since this mother has posted her sweet photo with her kids online, parents around the world have reached out to thank her for reminding them of the same thing. The response has been, Bosly said, overwhelming.
“It is a life-changing decision to make,” she agreed, “and I hope that if nothing else, anyone who reads my story will find a shift in their own thinking begin and help them on their own journey to self acceptance.”
You can see her original post here: