A family who lives in Texas got a kind of surprise that could potentially threaten their dear Texan lives. The family’s youngest member, Isac McFadden, went to the bathroom and used the toilet. But when he looked down at the bowl, he saw something slithering its way out of the drain.
A snake. He saw a snake. Young Isac McFadden saw a snake that slithering out of the bowl. He told KVUE, “I found this big clump and I knew it was a snake.”

According to KVUE, the family resides in Abilene, Texas. The whole family cooperated with each other to pull out the snake and kill it, or kill it first before pulling it out.
After successfully disposing the snake, the family found more of them hiding in the backyard. That’s when they called for help from the Snakes expert, Big Country Snakes Removal.
The family’s home was infested by 24 rattlesnakes, all blending in with the brown dirt. The snake was identified as a Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. Anyway, snakes are vicious little creatures that somehow managed to be more vicious even though they were stripped away of their legs.

Big Country Snakes Removal posted the cringe-worthy photos on Facebook. The service said in a post:
“Why are snake inspections important?
“Last week we received a call from a family in Jones county who had an adult rattlesnake in their toilet. Yes, in their toilet! (The snake found its way in from an opening in a relief pipe that I later sealed)
“This was the first snake that the family has seen on the property in several years.... When I arrived, I immediately noticed a few problematic areas. Intuition took me directly to a storm cellar where I safely removed 13 adult rattlesnakes.
“After a thorough perimeter check, I crawled underneath the house where I removed another 10, 5 being babies.... 24 snakes total, (including the toilet snake) and the family had no idea....
“How is this possible? It's actually quite simple; rattlesnake are secretive and can be very cryptic- They rely heavily on their camouflage. This is simply how they survive. Just because you don't see them doesn't mean they aren't there....”
Isac, learning from an experience only geared towards adults, said, “If you find a snake, go get an adult.” Some words of wisdom from a little boy from Texas. Hope everyone heeds this to prevent getting bitten and potentially dying from the snake’s venomous bite.