29-year-old Johanna Watkins and her husband, Scott, have been married for the past three years. In the beginning of their life together, they often went out to do things together. One of their favorite pastimes was hiking.
For a while, Scott said he’d notice how his wife would cough if they were face-to-face, but aside from that, he noticed nothing unusual about her health.
Then, one day, Johanna’s condition suddenly deteriorated and got drastically worse.
Everything she now does with Scott triggers a near-fatal allergic reaction. Anything from kissing, holding hands, or even sitting in the same room as the him can cause her body to leap into a severe reaction. The only way they can bond now is by watching the same TV show, in different rooms, and then texting each other about it afterwards.
Johanna went to the doctor to see if they could provide any insight on her condition, which is when she was diagnosed with Mass Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), a rare disorder of the immune system that causes her to become allergic to just about everything she comes in contact with.
The cells in her body release chemical mediators too often, triggering these problems, as well as problems with her heart, skin, stomach, brain, and lungs.
Right now, the only way for Johanna to live without constantly experiencing these reactions is to cloister herself in the attic room in a friend’s home. They’ve sealed the doors and windows, as well as installed an air purification system so Johanna won’t be affected by any chemicals around her.

The only times she leaves her room right now is to see a doctor. Her house with Scott is currently undergoing renovations so she can finally return home.
In spite of these health complications and obstacles coming between them, Scott continues to return home every day to cook his wife dinner – either beef stew or organic lamb. These dishes are the only dishes Johanna can eat without setting off her illness.
"There is no easy way around this problem, I want to keep Johanna safe and me going to see her compromises her safety," Scott mourned. He added, “We are absolutely committed to each other and we're going to wait as long as it takes to see if there is some type of healing.”
At present, MCAS is unable to be cured or treated, so until Johanna completely figures out what causes her reactions, she will have to live in fear and isolation to avoid jeopardizing her health and her life.
The couple is currently hoping to fundraise money to help them seek further medical attention that will better Johanna’s quality of life.
Please consider donating here.