A mom in the UK is furious after her baby was injured by sharp tacks planted inside a public changing table by cruel pranksters.
According to The Sun, Hayley Turner laid her son, Samuel, down on the soft changing table when the baby boy suddenly started screaming in pain.
"I dismissed it as him being tired, cold and grumpy so I changed him as quickly as possible so I could give him a cuddle and calm him down,” she wrote on Facebook. "It turns out some lowlife scum thought it would be 'fun' to deliberately put drawing pins in the bottom of the changing mat.”

Turner’s Facebook post has since been shared more than 90,000 times, with many parents calling for police to step in.
In an update, Turner assured that Samuel is already over the incident, but she hopes that her son’s experience will warn other parents to check before laying their infants down on public changing tables from now on.

"I've posted this not to name and shame but more to spread awareness as it certainly wasn't something I would have thought of as a threat before today," she added.
Thames Valley Police said they are now investigating the incident after a second child was also injured by the pranksters’ pins.