When Tej Biswokarma was a kid, living at home with his parents, he often helped them with chores and tasks around the house. One of these was refilling the kerosene lamps they had in their home, because they didn’t have any electricity.
Biswokarma had done this many times before. But one fateful day, as he was refilling one of the lamps, the entire thing exploded on him in a freak accident.
His parents rushed to his side and were able to extinguish the flames – but not before they’d already left severe burns across Biswokarma’s upper body and face.
In the aftermath though, Biswokarma’s parents weren’t able provide their son with further medical attention. They lived in a remote village near the mountains, which put them at a two-day walk away from the nearest town or hospital.
Biswokarma was never able to see a doctor after the accident. His parents were only able to treat his burns with herbs and traditional medicines.
“The pain was unbearable,” he recalled. “I felt like I was dying slowly as each day passed.”
But Biswokarma didn’t die. His wounds slowly healed – but in grotesque manners and left him with vast scarring.
The lower half of Biswokarma’s mouth had melted in the flames and healed by fusing onto his chest. He was left without the ability to speak, close his mouth, or eat any solid foods. For the next five years – until he was 10 – Biswokarma had to live on a liquid diet.
“It made me feel so lifeless,” Biswokarma said. “People used to stare at me and it used to make me angry and frustrated. In the end I stopped going out. I never went back to school and remained at home away from everyone and everything.”
This persisted for years, but a lucky happenstance in 2006 gave Biswokarma’s parents hope.
In 2006, the Sushma Koirala Memorial Hospital in Kathmandu offered a free plastic surgery camp, and Biswokarma’s parents took their son, hoping to finally get him some help.
That was where the family met surgeon Dr. Jaswan Shakya, who was shocked at how severe Biswokarma’s scarring was.
“He couldn't lift his shoulders due to contractures. He couldn't move his neck and his teeth were also deformed. The burns were all over the lower face, neck, chest and abdomen,” Dr. Shakya explained.
After meeting with the boy in several appointments, the surgeon agreed to perform cosmetic operations on Biswokarma, all free of cost, to restore his appearance.
Now, in 2017, Biswokarma is doing better than ever thanks to the generosity of Dr. Shakya. He looks like a completely new person and doesn’t have to undergo any more operations.
Dr. Shakya said, “Biswokarma is functioning perfectly. He has some scars which are not possible to remove so I’m happy that the multiple surgeries have changed his life. If he had been left, then his life would have been ruined.”

Not only is Biswokarma a “new person,” but he’s also happily married to one of his neighbors – Sharmila Kumari – and has a child with her.
The two had grown up together in the village, but had never talked or socialized until three years ago, when Biswokarma was 18 and in the process of undergoing his many operations.
“During my operations I started stepping outside the house more and she was kind,” Biswokarma recalled. “She supported me, telling me I will be fine one day. Eventually feelings grew between us.”
Most recently, Biswokarma has returned to school and his son has just turned 10 months old. Biswokarma is hoping to earn his bachelor’s degree in education so he can become a teacher in the future.
Now, even years later, he shares his gratitude for the surgeon who changed his life. “He’s like a father to me. He’s given me a new life and I am just so thankful,” Biswokarma said. “I never imaged I would fall in love, marry or become a father but all my dreams have come true. I was living no life before with no prospects but now I intend to make the most of every opportunity and live life to the full.”
You can see what he looked like before the surgeries. Please note that this photo contains graphic medical images and may disturb some readers.