When she reached the 12-week mark with her pregnancy, Jade Adams, 20 years old, was informed by her doctors that her baby will likely be born with a defect called gastroschisis. The condition pertains to the improper formation of the abdomen in the baby’s body, SWNS reports.
As soon as Jade’s baby, Darcie Musto, was delivered, doctors wrapped her body tautly with a saran wrap around her body just to keep the organs inside her and in place. Also, the saran wrap could keep infections and bacteria away from penetrating her body for the mean time.
Jade and her partner, Lewis Musto, only had moments to spend with their new baby before doctors took her for a following surgery to stitch her body close and place her organs back inside.
Darcie had to go through six surgeries before she was officially released from the hospital and into their home in Braintree, Essex. Darcy, who’s now seven months old, still has a stoma that doctors will work on to remove by the time she turns one year old.
Jade said, “When they told us that she had gastroschisis, I was absolutely devastated. It was awful. She’s fine now—rolling around absolutely fine—but at the time I was devastated. When she was born, we had to have the resuscitation team there because she was early and I hadn’t had any steroids or anything.”
She continued, “But she came out and she was breathing completely all on her own. They wrapped her up in cling film—just like the stuff you have in the drawer at home—and it went all around her body from the front to the back and around again. It was absolutely amazing to hold her, for less than a minute.”

It was in February 2016 when the couple was told that the baby inside Jade was detected to have an abnormality.
“Ten minutes after she was born she was gone with Lewis to Great Ormond Street. I had to give consent for them to operate on the phone which was absolutely awful because I just wanted to be with her.
The wrapped her intestines in the cling film again but by the time I got there she had had the operation. She made it through one hell of a fight, six operations and a total of 16 weeks in hospital. We are so proud of her.”
The condition occurs when the intestines of the baby don’t move into the abdomen during fetal stage. It starts to grow outside the body when the abdominal wall fails to form.
Jade delivered Darcie at Broomfield Hospital. Her partner, Lewis, is a construction worker. Darcie was diagnosed with intestinal disconnection disorder colonic atresia.